2. Book the Workshop
Book the Workshop using links below.
An In-depth Look at the Role of Joint Health and Safety Committees
(4 hours)
This workshop expands on Module 2 of the basic workshop. It looks at the duties and functions of the joint health and safety committee in the context of the four basic rights and of the general duties of employers, workers, and supervisors. Participants will discuss common difficulties committees face and will examine the effectiveness of their own committees.
This workshop has been adapted for online facilitation.
(90 minutes)
British Columbia is one of only a few jurisdictions in the world that has comprehensive workplace ergonomics regulations. This workshop provides basic information about ergonomics and looks at the ergonomics requirements in the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation. Participants will learn: how to identify ergonomic problems in their workplaces, some risk assessment techniques, and some effective control measures that can be implemented to reduce the risk to workers of musculoskeletal injuries.
This workshop has been adapted for online facilitation.
Incident Investigations and Reports
(90 minutes)
The legal requirements of accident/incident investigations and reporting will be reviewed. Various types of incidents and causes of incidents will be discussed. Participants will discuss a case study in order to proceed through the stages of investigation—necessary facts, investigative tools, visiting the scene, interviewing, and evaluating.
This workshop has been adapted for online facilitation.
Incident Reporting
(90 minutes)
Dr. Jennifer Newman, a workplace psychologist, states that workplaces should have zero harm policies. Harm is preventable and unacceptable. All incidents must be reported and investigated to take steps to prevent further injuries or an exacerbation of injuries. The most important incidents to report are the near misses so that whatever caused the near miss is eliminated or controlled and does not cause a more serious accident or injury. This workshop will cover what should be reported, how to report, and what should come from reporting.
This workshop has been adapted for online facilitation.
Joint Health and Safety Committees/Worker Representatives
(90 minutes)
The provisions of the Workers Compensation Act will be reviewed. Scenarios and discussion of duties and responsibilities, including committee terms of reference, will be included. Participants will go over successful strategies for effective committees, including organization of meetings and reporting responsibilities.
This workshop has been adapted for online facilitation.
Module 1: Aperçu du programme de santé et sécurité au travail
(1,5 heure)
Les questions de sécurité et de santé à l'école seront réexaminées dans le contexte du lieu de travail et des politiques et procédures nécessaires. Les éléments de base d'un programme S & S sont couverts. Des échantillons ou les politiques réelles des conseils scolaires et les procédures sont examinées.
Module 2: Comités mixtes sur la santé et la sécurité des travailleurs
(3 heures)
Les dispositions de la Loi sur les accidents du travail seront examinées. Seront inclus, scénarios et discussions autour des devoirs et des responsabilités, y compris les termes de référence des comités. Les participants passeront en revue les bonnes stratégies pour des comités efficaces, y compris l'organisation de réunions et la responsabilité de reporting.
Module 3: Les inspections de sécurité
(3 heures)
Ce module examine les étapes de pré - inspection, d'inspection, et de post - inspection. Les listes de contrôle et autres matériaux liés à l'école sont utilisés. Les participants apprendront à identifier les dangers lors des inspections de sécurité. Les photos des activités scolaires seront utilisées comme base de discussion.
Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) Program
(90 minutes)
School health and safety issues will be reviewed in the context of the workplace and necessary policies and procedures. The basic elements of an OH&S program are covered. Sample or actual school district policies and procedures will be reviewed.
This workshop has been adapted for online facilitation.
Occupational Health & Safety Training for New Committee Members and Worker Reps
(90 minutes)
This workshop is designed for new members of Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committees in their first six months on a committee. Effective April 3, 2017, Worksafe BC regulations require all new members of committees and worker reps to receive 8 hours of instruction on prescribed health and safety topics (OHSR 3.27) . This workshop satisfies that requirement. The content of the workshop also serves as a good back-to-basics refresher for committee people, or as a SURT.
Note: The training prescribed for new committee people is outside of the 8 hour education educational leave entitled under Part3, Division 4, Section 135 of the Workers’ Compensation Act.r.
This workshop has been adapted for online facilitation.
Refusal of Unsafe Work
(90 minutes)
The process of refusal of unsafe work will be covered in the school context. Scenarios and examples will be reviewed in order for participants to understand the kinds of circumstances under which refusal may occur.
This workshop has been adapted for online facilitation.
Role and Function of the School Site Health and Safety Rep
(3 hours)
The School based health and safety rep is more than just another body around the Joint Occupational Health and Safety committee table. This workshop explores the role of the health and safety rep from the union activist perspective. The Health and safety rep is an advocate, an advisor, and an assistant. This workshop explains these roles and how they fit in the union role.
This workshop has been adapted for online facilitation.
Safety Inspections
(3 hours)
This module reviews the pre-inspection, inspection, and post-inspection stages. School-related checklists and other materials are used. Participants will learn how to identify hazards during safety inspections. Pictures of school activities will be used as a basis of discussion.
This workshop has been adapted for online facilitation.
Violence in the Workplace
(3 hours)
Workplace violence is becoming a growing concern in the education sector. Every year dozens of workers in schools are victims of threats and violence in the performance of their jobs. This workshop explores the definition of violence, types of violence, and what is required to assess and plan to reduce and eliminate risks. The workshop discusses risk assessment, safety plans, privacy issues, and the right to know, all with a focus on keeping workers safe.
This workshop has been adapted for online facilitation.
Violence Prevention
(3 hours)
This workshop reviews the WCB section on violence protection. Emphasis is on completing a risk assessment and on processing reports of violence, up to and including a WCB claim. In addition, the workshop discusses the law on the release of a student’s history of violence in the context of a violence protection program.
This workshop has been adapted for online facilitation.