The BCTF Bargaining Conference is a decision-making meeting that is held prior to the commencement of provincial bargaining. The purpose of the meeting is to approve the bargaining objectives and an overall strategic framework for the upcoming round of bargaining, as outlined in Procedure 3.G.02 of the BCTF Members’ Guide.
Delegates to the meeting are:
- members of the Executive Committee (EC)
- members of the Provincial Bargaining Team
- local delegations consisting of:
a. Local President or designate
b. local bargaining chairperson or designate
c. further local delegates elected by the local on the basis of one further delegate per 250 members (FTE) or portion thereof in excess of the first 400 members.
Delegates from the EC and Provincial Bargaining Team have one vote each and no such delegate shall have more than one vote.
Local delegates to the Bargaining Conference may have more than one vote, based on the following:
That the local delegations be entitled to the total number of votes equal to:
- the number of delegates (exclusive of Local Representatives) to which the local would be entitled at the Annual General Meeting; plus,
- the number of Local Representatives to which the local would be entitled at the Representative Assembly.
Input from members regarding provincial bargaining objectives and strategies is considered leading up to the meeting. Input and advice from members is gathered through locals, provincial specialist associations, and advisory committees prior to the Executive Committee’s making recommendations to the Bargaining Conference. Once the EC has made its recommendations, members have an opportunity to discuss and consider the recommendations prior to the Bargaining Conference through their locals, provincial specialist associations, and advisory committees.