Balancing Act - Indigenous concept of c̓isḷa. Students learn more about c̓isḷa—the act of looking after and taking care of something important. After watching the video linked below, students then create a comic that illustrates people taking care of and giving back to nature.
For millennia, the Haíɫzaqv have depended on the seasonal cycles that bring ocean resources to the coast. Every generation learns to harvest in a sustainable way. But now these resources are dwindling. And it's up to us—all of us—to work together to put things back in balance. If you like this content you can see all of the available resources in the Harvest module in the Ocean School Help Centre (
This content was filmed and developed on unceded Haíɫzaqv homelands and waterways in direct collaboration with members of the Haíɫzaqv Nation. The Haíɫzaqv are an Indigenous Nation living in (what is currently) Canada's province of British Columbia ( We are sincerely grateful to the Haíɫzaqv Nation for allowing Ocean School to be guests in their territory, for sharing their stories and knowledge, and for collaborating with us for this module. All Haíɫzaqv language use in Ocean School content is overseen by the Heiltsuk Integrated Resource Management Department (