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Aug 19, 2024 | Events
By Heather Kelley (she/her), BCTF staff I moved to a small, remote community with a population of less than 150 people at the north end of Vancouver Island in 2018. Honestly, living here as a gay Bla...
Nov 8, 2022 | News and Stories
this is my table one two three four
Sep 13, 2022 | News and Stories
Professional Issues Advisory Committee Friday, September 23, 2022 Saturday, September 24, 2022
Nov 22, 2022 | Events
Working and Learning Conditions/Bargaining Advisory Committee Thursday, September 15, 2022 Friday, September 16, 2022 Saturday, September 17, 2022
Dec 14, 2022 | Events
Challenge your Foods class to a Pizza Design Challenge. They plan and create art on pizza. You photograph it. Your staff judges the photos to crown the Pizza Design Champions.
Sep 13, 2022 | Teaching Resource
Using Secwepemc and English words, I have created a poster for the zones of regulation.
Sep 6, 2022 | Teaching Resource
On March 22, delegates of the BC Teachers’ Federation’s 2022 Annual General Meeting acclaimed Clint Johnston (Chilliwack) as President-elect. Johnston’s biography can be found below. The President-elec...
Apr 4, 2022 | News and Stories
The new Indigenous-focused course requirement announced by the Ministry of Education and Child Care is something the BCTF has been publicly advocating for since 2011, and undoubtedly an important miles...
Jun 29, 2022 | News and Stories
Last month, the Ministry of Education and Child Care published its K–12 Student Reporting Policy Framework along with interim supporting materials for educators and administrators, and an inf...
Jun 29, 2022 | News and Stories
The BC Teachers’ Federation recently had the opportunity to present our recommendations for the 2023 provincial budget to the Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services, as part of th...
Jun 27, 2022 | News and Stories

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