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The BC Teachers’ Federation was invited to present our recommendations for the 2024 provincial budget to the Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services in May, as part of the government’s annual consultation process.

A summary of our recommendations can be found below. 

Summary of BCTF recommendations

A robustly funded public education system generates social and economic benefits for BC communities, including enhanced student learning outcomes, greater equity and social mobility, reduced poverty, better physical and mental health, stronger employment indicators, improved public health and safety, and greater civic engagement and stability. Only a long-term systemic fiscal strategy can resolve the demoralizing and damaging effects of BC’s current teacher and funding shortages. To anchor that recovery, the BCTF is recommending targeted envelopes of additional operational funding over the next three years (2024–2027) to address teacher recruitment, teacher retention, and special education needs. 

Recommendation 1: Provide a targeted teacher recruitment funding envelope to relieve current K–12 staffing shortages and fill projected labour needs.

Recommendation 2: Provide a targeted teacher retention funding envelope to enhance retention of the current work force.

Recommendation 3: Provide, at a minimum, funding for special education staffing and services that fully covers what school districts actually spend on inclusive education. 

Read the full BCTF Education Funding Brief 2024 submission for detailed rationales of each recommendation.

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