Recent policy changes relative to cannabis are creating debates in Canadian society. When addressing complex issues like drug use, people often find it difficult to have productive conversations. Dialogue provides a different approach. Dialogue is a manner of communication that involves two-way conversations where people not only speak to each other but also really listen. The goal is to leave the conversation with a better understanding of each other and the different perspectives that make up a community. School is a great context for citizens to acquire important dialogic skills. Cannabis legalization provides interesting opportunities to practice and hone these skills. “Turning to One Another” is a insightful poem by Margaret Wheatley about the power of talking with each other and creating social changes. This lesson uses the poem to explore different aspects of dialogue and its significance in the context of shifting policies regarding cannabis. This lesson introduces some of these guidelines and recommendations that can provide a springboard for critically reviewing particular behaviours (eating, physical activity, substance use) and exploring how such guidelines might be useful in making decisions about health and well-being. Rather than trying to “sell” students on a spcific behaviour or belief, the learning activities should help students build the skills to explore and seek to understand and manage their own health.