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Grade 10-12
Subject Labour History, Social Studies
Resource type Activity, Lesson plan/Unit plan
Duration 15-90 minutes

About This Resource

Lesson activities to accompany the vignette "Buck Suzuki” from the acclaimed Knowledge Network series; Working People: A History of Labour in British Columbia produced by Landrock Entertainment. The lesson examines the life Buck Suzuki who championed the rights of Japanese Canadian Fishermen and who was also an early advocate for the environmental protection of Salmon resources and habitat. The vignette is set within the context of the Internment of the Japanese Canadians during the Second World War. This is a unit created by the Labour History Project, a group of retired and current British Columbia teachers collaborating to develop a series of lesson plans, activities, and workshops focused on labour studies and labour history. See: https://www.labourheritagecentre.ca/educate/
Buck Suzuki: Working People: A History of Labour in BC - Labour History Project, Episode 3 Lesson Materials 3

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